I'm passionate about your health & wellness.
I believe when you take charge of your health & beauty, you can grow in other ways: in confidence, feelings of empowerment & strength. You can do anything & you're more willing lift others around you.

Meet April, in her words.
I'm April Peck - Founder & CEO of Save Me From.
I obtained a life sciences degree in health & wellness because I love learning how to make my body function better & I wanted to help others do this too. I began my professional career working in nutraceuticals & pharmaceuticals & teaching fitness classes for fun. After researching the role peptides play in our skin, my husband & I launched a skin care line that is globally renowned as a leader in peptides. Now, I’m here to help you understand the ingredients that will make your hair healthier.
I started this business because I’m passionate about the latest nutrition & advancements in beauty. I wanted to make your hair care work better.
Save Me From has been a lifesaver for my hair & I can't wait for you to see the difference my products can make.

The story behind our name.
In 2013, I lost my youngest sister to suicide. This is one of those situations you're always asking "why" or "what" could I have done. I realized my sister was crying out for help but I didn't know what to do. This experience made me realize I avoided an uncomfortable conversation because I wasn't prepared. I wasn't educated on what I can do, or should say when someone I care about is in trouble. Our name is partly based upon our work to raise awareness on what you can do & should say when someone is in a suicide crisis. We need more than one month to open up the conversation.
...AND I really want to save your hair. You don't need to chop it off & start over. Technology has evolved & Save Me From has the power to undo, repair & prevent the damage you put it through.

Curious why my hair has changed so much?
When I embarked on my journey to make a whole new category of hair care, my hair looked great but it really wasn't. I couldn't handle my hair with extensions (they made my scalp hurt, itch & pulled out my hair. They thinned my hair which was why I got them in the first place) & I couldn't handle my hair without them (my hair was always up & because it was thin, I'd grow it out then chop, chop... I could never get the thick, long hair I wanted). Extensions created a viscious cycle...
Then I learned about fenugreek & discovered the eco-extraction process to make my Reboots super powerful. My real hair was getting thicker & my extensions (I still had them), where so much healthier. I was easing off extensions & decided to share my Save Me From Reboots with the world...
...Then by some strange twist of fate, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer while hoping to launch a new type of hair repair. I was bald (& to make light of my situation, I'd say, "I'm bald & boobless.") My confidence was gone. I applied Save Me From Age Acceleration to my bare scalp. My scalp felt better, looked better & my infusion nurses were asking "What are you doing?"...because my hair was sprouting... That's when I knew I needed to keep going & share this with you.
Although hair is not everything, I understand how it makes me feel. When I'm having a good hair day, I feel more confident & I'm a better person to those around me.
Who am I really?
I’m a wife & mom of three + two (two tween boys, one younger girl, one chocolate lab who's up in heaven & a charcoal lab pup). I'm a middle child of five sisters. I'm a fitness enthusiast (who would love to get a good sweat session on with you anytime). I'm a sunworshipper living in Seattle. I drink plenty of water & avoid empty calories (& catch my husband who likes to sneak them in the house). Oh, & I'm a beauty entrepreneur trying to live my healthiest while sharing what I learn with you.

How healthy is your hair care?
We've done the hard work. Our formulas are pure, performance-driven & won't compromise your health. Save Me From hair products are effective and safe. Our formulas are FREE of: parabens, silicones, artificial dyes, harsh sulfates, phthalates, diethanolamine, sodium hydroxide, toluene, formaldehyde, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), methylene glycol & more.